Tuesday 24 September 2019


A Snapshot of Higher Education Institutions in Malaysia
The higher education sector is responsible for the operation of higher education institutions (HEIs) in Malaysia and is under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Higher Education (MOHE). The education sector has always enjoyed the highest national development budget which symbolises the commitment of the Malaysian government towards education.

The provision of higher education is well regulated. Below are some of the legislation :

  1. The Education Act 1996 (Act 550)
  2. The Private Higher Educational Institutions Act, 1996 (amended 2009)
  3. The National Council of Higher Education Act, 1996
  4. Malaysian Qualifications Agency Act 2007 (replacing the previous namely National Accreditation Board Act 1996 which has been repealed)
  5. The Universities and University Colleges (Amendment) Act, 1996 (amended 2009)
  6. The National Higher Education Fund Corporation Act, 1997 (Amendment 2000)

Written by : Sharul 



Hello Everyone!
Today I will share about Theory vs Practically in study .

In the modern world ,all  people are free to learn something new from day to day ,no matter what it may be.However  we know that each of our lesson can be  classified  into types of learning ,both  theoretical and practical.Two of the  lesson most frequently used in our daily life in the class that lecturers or teacher apply in the class .

Lets we know more about yhis fact!


This is involved or relates to actual experience and use .Moreover ,it is practically  not a theory ,but rather a tangible one.Pctical is also known as logical. Then ,practical study is more effectiveness then theory but , we should know first about  the habit of students maybe their more prefer to theory.


A system of ideas  intended to explain something ,especially based on the general ideas rhat are independent of what is explained.

In conclusion, theory and practical are one of the same  learning in the different ways,However, every lesson  we experience in our daily lives can also  gradually grafity us event if we  learn in any ways.

I hope this sharing can hepl all of us.
Thank You..

Written By; Mohd Taufiq
Reference: Retrieved from source Google,Reference Book


                                             HOW TO GET EFFECTIVENESS IN STUDY?

Hi everyone! good morning..
Today i will share about how we get the effectiveness in study.
Nowadays,lot of student  have a problem in study especially when the exam aroung the corner. This problem will affects our result soon. So, today i want to give a little bit tips to get the effectiveness in our study.



we should to set our goals. This is because it is important to achieve the dreams thar we want to accomplish.For example we must target to get deanlist in ou diploma studied every sem.So, with is we will work hard to achieve that dreams.


The student must have dicipline in their self because if they not dicipline it will hard for them always doing the good things especially to do the revision.


We should doing revision for the old chapter that we have learnt before this . This is because will improve our memory about the old chapter .

                                                     4.DO THE FLASH CARD

After we learn a new chapter we should to do the mini flash card to make the simple notes .So it will easier for us to remember all  the notes that was given yo us.I recommend to all of you to make the colourfull flash card so it will easy to memories it.


Lastly,we must make a plan to do all the tips above . So , we di not wasting our time !

Thats all my tips !
I hope we will improve our effectiveness in study!
Thank You...

Written by: Faizzah Adha
Reference: Image from https://www.pinterest.com/

Tuesday 10 September 2019


                                       THE CHARACTER THAT YOU MUST HAVE!!

Hi everyone! good evening...
Today i want to share about 10 characters that we must have as a students.
First of all, I hope we can apply it our daily life as a bombastic Students.











The characters above shows that we need to apply in our life especially as a students. Other than that ,if we want to be a good leader we also need to apply all the 10 characteristic . When we combined all this oppurtunirty we will became the better leader . Not only that when have all of this , we will easy to learn something new especially in education.

Thats all from me ,
Thank You ......
I hope you will enjiy with it ..

Written by: Faizzah Adha

Tuesday 3 September 2019


Malaysia's achievement in education enrolment is significant. although pre-school education is not compulsory in malaysia and it was reported 91 per cent of children at the age of four and five in the country were enrolled in some form of pre-school education in 2014 (Malaysia,2015)

Primary and secondry education in Malaysia . primary education has duration of six years. secondry education is of three years of lower secondary and two years of upper secondary education. it is a total of eleven years of free education.

education system in malaysia. presently, only the six years of primary education is compulsory while the five years of compulsory by 2015. the goverment provides free educatiuon for six years at primary level and five years at secondary level. Malaysia welcomes international students for all levels of education.

high school diploma in Malaysia . a high school leaving qualification awarded upon high school graduation. the high school diploma is typically studied for over the course of four years, from grade 9 to grade 12.

Monday 26 August 2019


The top 10 Effects Education has on society Education is important in the creation of any democratic society. As franklin D.Roosevelt says, 'Democracy cannot succeed unless those who express their choice are prepared to choose wisely . the real safeguard of democracy, therefore, is education.' people need a good education if they want a good demicracy.

Education is needed to make a society geopolitically stable. without a proper education system available to everyone, terrorists could use free education as a way to radicalize people. in other words, geopolitical stability is one of education's  most powerful effcats on society. Education leads to economic prosperity in the global marketplace.

one of the most important effects educatiob has on effects education has on society is giving the people who live in a society the skills they neeed produce techonogical goods that can be sold on the open market. socrates best expressed this idea when he stated: 'prefer knowledge to wealth, for the onw is trabsitory, the other perprtual.


Education gives people the knowledge they need ti elect people leaders. plato stated, in the politics we presume that everyone who knows hiw to gwt votes knows how to administer a city or a state. when we are ill. we do not ask for the handsomest physician, or the most eloquent one. education helps the members of society see though the manipulayion use by politicaians to get votes so that the members of the society can vote for the leader who is best able to run the society. 

Monday 19 August 2019


Educational music, is a genre of music in which songs, lyrics, or other musical elements are used as a method of teaching and/or learning. It has been shown in research to promote learning. Additionally, music study in general has been shown to improve academic performance of students. 

Music used for learning can be in many formats, including video recordings, audio recordings, sheet music, and improved music. Most of the time, music is added to an existing lesson plan or story. Songs are usually easy to sing and catchy, so that they can be repeated for later learning. 

Some children’s music is considered Educational, and, historically, most educational music is geared towards children. Prominent examples include songs from Lazytown, Sesame street , Schoolhouse rock , Smart song' educational rap videos on YouTube, and Tom leher  songs for the PBS show the electric  Company..

Recent developments have extended music's use to secondary and collegiate education, with cornal West  breaking new ground in this regard.